Nebraska Enterprise Fund provides small business training in a wide variety of topics to help your business Start-up, Grow, and Prosper. These topics can be found on the Events tab or by clicking on the link below.
Small Businesses Supported
Jobs Created
Million Loaned Successfully
Years Expereince
Business Counseling and Mentorship
Business Acceleration Training
Essentials of Entrepreneurship
QuickBooks and Record-Keeping
Business Planning
Financial Management
Intermediary Lending
NEF provides loans to mission-focused Micro Development Organizations reaching targeted diverse and under served entrepreneurs.
Invoice Financing
Small-dollar financing to small and emerging business based on existing contract, provided in collaboration with the Greater Omaha Chamber’s REACH Initiative.
Direct Lending
Loans from $1,000 to $150,000 provided directly to businesses based on business capacity, ability to repay and growth plans.
GAP Financing
Loans in collaboration with a lead bank. NEF provides the crucial “gap” financing to ensure good deals are great by augmenting the bank’s ability to fund.
Your Access to Capital
NEF provides flexible lending products to businesses and programs across Nebraska and Southwest Iowa to support your capital needs and growth plans.
NEF has received an increasing number of inquiries from Iowa entrepreneurs and bankers with requests for loans in this area. With few other non-traditional lending options available for small businesses, NEF expanded services into Iowa in 2021, focusing on the neighboring community of Council Bluffs and the Western portion of the state.