About NEF

The Nebraska Enterprise Fund

Why Our Work Is

So Important

86% of Nebraska and Southwest Iowa businesses are small or micro-businesses.

Micro-businesses include self-employed, start-up, home-based, or other small businesses. They play a crucial role in powering our local, state, and national economies.

“By participating in the workshops and utilizing their resources, my business saw an increase of 10% revenue the first five months I started working with NEF. This is a lot for a business that had only seen an increase in revenue of 2% in the previous four years!”

Sergio Escorcia

Owner, Best Mobile LLC

Nebraska Enterprise Fund

Investing in the Underserved Small and Micro Business Owner.

Launching a small or micro business takes courage. It also takes capital and the insights that come from expert training and mentoring.

That’s where we come in – an ally dedicated to supporting you and your vision of success; a champion eager to partner for what’s possible.

We Are Nebraska Enterprise Fund. | A statewide microenterprise intermediary and Certified Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) providing business development services and financing to micro and small businesses across Nebraska.

Vision | The Nebraska Enterprise fund envisions a vibrant small business eco-system where every small and micro business has the opportunity to start, grow and prosper.

Mission | The Nebraska Enterprise Fund supports underserved communities by providing micro and small businesses with access to training, technical assistance and capital.

Who We Serve | NEF serves a target market of traditionally disadvantaged small businesses, including those owned by people of color, low-income people, women and veterans.

Supporting Financial Empowerment

and Alleviating Poverty.

Since 1984

With multiple microprograms developing across Nebraska in the early 1990s, the state needed an organization to assist in procuring grant and loan funds to meet long-term operational and lending needs. Nebraska Enterprise Fund (NEF) launched in 1994.

A Focus on Innovation

Over the years, NEF has continued to innovate and develop new products and systems for the field, including:

  • Microenterprise Information Referral System (MIRS) | linking microprograms with banks to serve unbankable customers; providing support for NEF’s Business Resource Directory.
  • Tax Preparation/Literacy Documents prepared with program partners | Helping businesses enter the formal economy by paying taxes.
  • New loan products | Filling gaps where businesses may not have access to capital.

[The Next Step | Expansion into Iowa]

NEF has maintained a strong presence in Omaha, Nebraska, serving a high percentage of low-income and immigrant and Hispanic entrepreneurs in the community. Just four miles to the east of Omaha is neighboring Council Bluffs, Iowa, the county seat of Pottawatomie County with a population of close to 100,000.

NEF has received an increasing number of inquiries from Iowa entrepreneurs and bankers with requests for loans in this area. With few other non-traditional lending options available for small businesses, NEF will expand services into Iowa in FY2021, focusing on the neighboring community of Council Bluffs and the Western portion of the state.


NEF begins making loans to business relending programs a year after raising its first loan capital.


Awarded 501c3 non-profit status.


Certified as a Community Development Financial Institution by the CDFI Fund.


Launch of a new NEF website to educate businesses and connect them with micro program services.


NEF debuts a new and improved data collection system, upgrading the system it unveiled seven years earlier.

 NEF makes its first Direct Loan and CD Guarantee.


Jim Reiff succeeds Rose Jasperson as NEF Executive Director, leveraging 20+ years of micro/small business development experience to increase NEF’s outreach and impact.


NEF celebrates its 25th anniversary of serving Nebraska entrepreneurs. In its first quarter-century, NEF provided $XX million in capital and support to more than XX small businesses in Nebraska and the surrounding region.

Helping coworker

Support NEF

Partnering for What’s Possible | By donating to NEF, you are investing in Nebraska’s economic future and the success of its hard-working small and micro business owners.

We envision a vibrant small business ecosystem where every small and micro business has the opportunity to start, grow, and prosper. 

Your Goals Are Our Goals Too.

NEF Board of Directors 

The Nebraska Enterprise Fund in governed by a diverse, volunteer Board of Directors with guidance from its Advisory Committee

Joseph Hodges

Joseph Hodges

Board Chairperson

Bobbi Pettit

Bobbi Pettit

Board Vice Chairperson

David Wise

David Wise


Emily Blodgett

Emily Blodgett


Michael Storey

Michael Storey


Travis Loveless

Travis Loveless


Mia Silva-Laustrup

Mia Silva-Laustrup



First National Bank Omaha Omaha Community Foundtion
U.S. Bank Opportunity Finance Network (OFN)
CIT (formerly Mutual of Omaha) SBA
Wells Fargo Nebraska Department of Economic Development
Great Western Bank Iowa West Foundation
Bank of the West Charles E. Lakin Foudation
USDA Weitz Family Foundation
CDFI Pay Pal
Sherwood Foundation TS Community Foundation
Kiewit Foundation William and Ruth Scott Family Foundation