NEF PRE-APPLICATION FORM Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Business Name *Key Contact or Authorized Representative *Contact/Representative Title *Home Phone Number *Mobile Phone NumberPrimary Email Address *Co-Owner Information (If Applicable)Co-Owner Name, Percentage of business owned, Occupation, their contact info (If Applicable)Business Address *City *State *Zip Code *County *Federal ID#DUNS #Business Ownership Structure *-Select One-Sole ProprietorLLCPartnershipSub-S CorpCorporationOtherIf *Other ownership structure; please specifyType of Business Activity *Business Start DateOwner's Experience and/or Training related to businessNumber of Employees (excluding Owner)Part-TimeFull-TimeFTEProjected Change in EmployeesMost Recent Gross Revenue/SalesOverall Gross Revenue/ Sales from your most recent business yearMost Recent Business Profit/LossOverall Business Profits/Losses from your most recent business yearIs the Business seasonal?YesNoAvarage Monthly SalesHighest Month SalesLowest Month SalesCurrent Business AssetsOwner Draw from BusinessDoes the business provide health insurance to the applicant?YesNoDoes the applicant have health insurance from another source?YesNoDoes this Business have a bank account?YesNoName of BankerEnter your Bank InfromationBankSavings Account-- Select One --BusinessPersonalBothChecking Account-- Select One --BusinessPersonalBothDoes this Business currently have other bank loans?YesNoIf *YES, please list bank names and accounts:Does this Business currently have outstanding credit card debt?YesNoIf *YES, please indicate the amountAmount of Business Loan Requested *Requested Loan Terms (in months)List Loan purposes/uses by $ amountWhat is the minimum amount you can work with and what will the purpose be?What collateral will be available to secure this loan? List each item and its estimated value.Please note: NEF requires personal guarantees to be provided from all owners with at least a 10% investment or stake in the business and may request other personal guarantors as needed. Does the applicant or any principal of the business have any outstanding judgments, unsettled lawsuits, knowledge of potential lawsuits, tax liens, or other disputes or problems of a similar nature?YesNoIf *YES, please explain:Has the applicant or any principal of the Applicant been involved in any bankruptcy or insolvency proceeding?YesNoIf *YES, please explain: Please indicate type(s) of business assistance are you seeking from the Nebraska Enterprise Fund or one or more if its program partners:LoanTrainingBusiness Technical AssistanceBusiness Counseling I agree to participate should I or my business be selected to participate in follow-up surveys designed to evaluate NEF or its partner services. I understand that any information disclosed will be held in strict confidence by NEF staff, the NEF loan committee and by NEF’s resource partner for loan underwriting. In consideration of the counselor(s) working for NEF or its partners furnishing management or technical assistance, I waive all claims against NEF personnel, and that of its resource partners and host organizations, arising from this assistance.Typed Signature (in lieu of a written signature) *Submit